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Basic US Driving Laws

Driving in the US is a both a rewarding and disciplining experience. The various laws governing safe and responsible use of highways are enforced strictly, and it is never a good idea to break even minor laws such as using a carpool lane as a normal passing lane. Follow all road signage, stop the car fully when directed, and do not honk unnecessarily- some cities forbid the use of horns. Additionally, it is vital that your vehicle is insured, since court penalties for even minor damages and scrapes can be exceedingly high.
That being said, let's go over some of the basic driving laws in America.

Right handed driving
All traffic drives on the right side of the road, that is, the left side is reserved for overtaking. This ought to be easy enough for most people from Europe and several Asian countries, but can be quite confusing for those not used to this rule. Although rules for turning at junctions may sound confusing, simply follow the signs - RIGHT LANE, MUST TURN RIGHT, means just that. Remember to signal while changing lanes, even though few Americans do it. It will help you do away with any mistakes that you make while turning at junctions. As always, follow the traffic signals, since they provide the easiest guides about turning and deferring to other drivers.

For unsignalized intersections, a simple rule of first-come-first-served is applied. The cars get to cross the intersection in the same order in which they approached it. At a red light, you may be able to turn right, but only if it is not expressly prohibited by a "NO RIGHT TURN" panel.

To reach a shop or any place on the other side of the road, you will have to make a U-turn. This could prove to be difficult for beginners, since traffic is approaching from the opposite direction, and the asphalt portion on which you can make a U-turn is marked only at intervals (it is not continuous). You must take care to slow down before making the turn, and wait until the opposite incoming traffic thins out sufficiently for you to safely enter the stream. Don't undertake this maneuver on roads where a "NO U-TURN" sign is present.

Speed Limits and School Zones
You must be wary of the legal speed limit for driving. A general speed of 55 mph to 65 mph will be suitable for most long-distance drives, whereas a speed of around 35 mph is safe for inner-city areas. As you move towards residential areas and school zones, you have to be extremely careful!

During the times schoolchildren are likely to be on the roads, orange flashing lights will signal you to reduce your speed, typically from 15 mph to 25 mph. A sheriff is likely to be observing motorists during this time, so follow all the rules and keep your speed low!

These were some of the most common things you should know before driving on US roads. DMV approved traffic schools and
online traffic school courses go over all of these laws and several other ones. Remember to avoid obvious blunders such as drinking and driving, attempting to speed away from the police, not wearing seat belts, and other lapses in judgment. The laws are there to make American roads safe, so follow them!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Saffron_Samularia

The Universal Law of Attraction - How Many Universal Laws Are There Anyway?

The 7 Universal Laws, the Law of Attraction, the 12 Universal Laws of Success, the 6 Spiritual Laws of the Universe... All those terms, one talks about 6 Laws of the Universe, the other talks about 7 Universal Laws, yet another talks about 12 Laws of Success, I've even seen people talking about 21 Spiritual Laws of the Universe, or rather 21 subsidiary Universal Laws. All sources of knowledge promise the same magic of manifesting and attracting all desires and dreams of people applying one or more of these Laws.
Yet so few people are actually living their desires, dreams and success. Despite all the available knowledge about the 7 Universal Laws, the Law of Attraction, the 12 Universal Laws of Success, the 6 Spiritual Laws of the Universe and the subsidiary Universal Laws or Spiritual Universal Laws, there's only a handful of people reaping the benefits that are promised to accompany the application of the Universal Law of Attraction or the interplay of Universal Laws in general.
So why don't all those people not 'attract what they desire', 'manifesting their dreams', or 'achieving the success they've always longed for'? Even the hundreds of thousands of people who have seen the movie 'The Secret', or the documentary 'What the Bleep Do We Know', or read the 'Attractor Factor' by Joe Vitale, or the Laws of Success by Napoleon Hill, or the 'Secrets of the
Millionaire Mind' by T. Harv Eker, or any other popular self-help or self-improvement book, movie, film or other resource? One reason is that there's no such thing as "effortless attraction". As much as you'd like not having to put in any effort whatsoever, there's always a bit of effort involved. But that's a subject for another time... But there's another, very important reason.
Here's what the problem is. People can't see the forest because of all the trees anymore. They completely lose track of the big picture. There's just too much information about the 6 or 7 Universal Laws, the Universal Law of Attraction, the 12 Laws of Success, and so on. People don't know which book, film, movie or other resource to pick. Are there 6 or 7 Universal Laws? Or are there 12 Universal Laws of Success? Or is there just 1 Law of Attraction? Or do you have to know about 21 Subsidiary Laws or Spiritual Laws or whatever?
Who's right? Well, in a way, none of them are right. Or all of them are right. It depends on how you look at it. Let's set this all straight.
The Universe is infinite. There are no boundaries, and no limitations. As humans, we are aspects of this Universe. In one way, we are the Universe, in another we are separate aspects of this Universe. This is not the time and place to get into the details of this, but if you want to learn more about this, scroll down and click the link in the bio box.
The truth is that our lives unfold through the application of Universal Laws, among which the Universal Law of Attraction. We can do this either consciously, or unconsciously (as most people do). If you do it unconsciously, life appears to be a series of 'accidents', and the big bad outside world appears to be making things hard for you in achieving your success.
However, as you apply the Universal Law of Attraction or the Universal Laws in general consciously, you can engineer your own success. You can set the stage for achieving your desires, and then act accordingly. The acting part is absolutely crucial, and this is where the efffort comes in. But what's important for now, is that you need to be aware of the way in which the Universal Law of Attraction or the Universal Laws work together and the nuances of how they need to be applied.
So, how can all different sources be right? How can there be 6 and 7 Universal Laws at the same time? How can there simultaneously be 12 Laws of Success or 21 Subsidiary Laws of the Universe or Spiritual Laws of the Universe?
The answer is simple. Once again, the Universe is infinite. You can make things as complex as you like. Or as simple as you like for that matter. Make it more complex, and you can easily make up 21 Universal Laws, or 21 Subsidiary Laws. Make it a bit more simple and you can easily get to 12 Laws of Success. Or just stick to 7 Laws of the Universe. Every version may be potentially correct. What's important is to what extent a resource is right for you.
I always like to make things as least complicated as possible. It's not that I can't make things complicated. If you want I can give you at least 100 subsidiary laws of the universe, and call them spiritual or required to attract and manifest whatever it is you want. But that's not going to help you. The more Universal Laws you need to remember, the more difficult you make things on yourself, and the less likely it becomes that you achieve all your desires and dreams.
True enough, just knowing about the Universal Law of Attraction isn't enough. There are some other Universal Laws to know about and understand if you want to apply the Universal Law of Attraction correctly. However, it doesn't help you if you must think about a whole bunch of additional Universal Laws, subsidiary laws, spiritual laws, and so on all the time.
You know, there's a way around this whole mess of 7 Universal Laws, Subsidiary Laws of the Universe and Spiritual Laws of the Universe, 12 Laws of Success, every average Joe and Jill pretending to be an expert about the Universal Law of Attraction these days, and so on. You can just get yourself an extremely clear and straightforward description of just 6 Universal Laws, or Laws of the Universe if you like. One of these is the Universal Law of Attraction. The fact that there are only 5 others doesn't mean that this resource is less accurate or comprehensive than the 12 Laws of Success, or the 21 Subsidiary Laws of the Universe, or the 7 Universal Laws, or the '100 merry-go-round Spiritual Laws of the Universe rolodex', or whatever fancy thing people come up with these days. There's too much information, a too complex web of knowledge these days already anyway, so the last thing you need is an even more complex and overly detailed description of the Laws of the Universe.
Discussing just 6 Universal Laws, or Laws of the Universe if you will, done in the right, clearest and most straightforward way possible, allows you to automatically cover any subsidiary Universal Law you or any other can possibly think of. These 6 Universal Laws are the main Laws of the Universe, or the main Laws of Success. By pulling the levers on these main Laws, you'll automatically set the stage and create the circumstances for reaping more benefit than you can even imagined possible from your application of the Universal Law of Attraction alone.
And because you don't make things too hard on yourself by keeping things simple, you don't need more than that in the form of 12 Laws of Success or 21 Subsidiary Laws of the Universe, or 21 Spiritual Laws of the Universe, or whatever. You can just cut to the chase, apply the Universal Laws and the Universal Law of Attraction in the right way, covering any potential subsidiary law, and you'll create the life you've always wanted in the quickest and most straightforward way possible.
Give yourself a break, and make things easy on yourself for a change. It's been hard enough for long enough already. Apply the Universal Law of Attraction and the other main Laws of the Universe together in the right way, and start changing your life.
This time for real!
Nicholas P. Kidd and Henk J.M. Schram are the instigators of the alleged 'Greatest Revolution of All Time', which deals with the true secrets of the Law of Attraction and the other Universal Laws in ways much clearer than the 'enigmas wrapped in riddles' that usually characterize the descriptions of the Law of Attraction and its application.
They are known for their straightforward explanations of complex issues that they manage to make understandable to people from all walks of life.
They can be reached at http://www.revolutioniz.com Also, over there much more information can be found on the 'Great Revolution', the application of the Law of Attraction and the Universal Laws in general.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Henk_J.M._Schram

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/585401

Online Forex Trading Secrets

I am here to share some knowledge, tips, strategies and insights of how to successfully buy, sell, trade and invest in online
Forex trading. FOREX or Foreign Exchange is the largest as well as the most liquid trading market in the world and there are many people involved in FOREX trading all over the world. A lot of people claim that the FOREX is the best home business that could be pursued by any person. With each day, more and more are turning to FOREX traders, via electronic means of computer and internet connectivity.
This means that foreign exchange is not delivered to a person who actually buys like stock trading, FOREX trading also has day traders that purchase and sell foreign exchange same day. Thus, FOREX is not a get-rich-quick scheme as many people thought which complicates the real concept of online Forex trading.
Unlike stocks and futures that trade through exchanges, Forex trading is done through market makers that include major banks as well as small to large brokerage firms located around the world who collectively make a market on 24 hours - 5 days basis. The Forex market is always "open" and is the largest financial network in the world (daily average turnover of trillions of dollars).
Forex trading involves trading currency pairs such as the EUR/USD pair (Eurodollar/US dollar pair) where a buyer of this pair would actually be buying the Eurodollar and simultaneously selling short the US dollar.
Here's the deal: Just like any other market, most "traders" are losing when trading Forex. And the reasons for their failure are mainly because some lack good trading methods, sound money and risk management principles and indiscipline trading attitude. In most cases, it could be wrong mindset and motive towards the market. Some don't even understand the trend of the market, of which the trend plays a vital role in the life of any trader, as it is simply says that "the trend is your friend".
Moreover, many have been mislead by dishonest individuals or questionable brokers promising outwardly overnight riches and hidden policies.
Forex is still a little like the "wild west", so there's naturally a lot of confusion and misinformation out there but I'm here to cover many tactics and strategies used by successful Forex traders all over the world. Unfortunately, only few Forex traders are actually aware of this information.
Forex trading is all about regulation, willpower and determination. Leveraging your strength could be extravagant by organizing the appropriate Forex trading strategy. You may find hundreds and thousands of Forex trading strategies out there. All Forex trading strategies use a variety of indicators and combinations. These indicators and studies are just calculating support and resistance and trend in the Forex trading market.
What you are about to read is more valuable to you than what you will find in many trading courses or seminars that you'd have to pay for. Anyway, I don't believe in sugarcoating anything or giving you false hopes of success. There are enough swindlers doing that already. I want to give you the facts, like 'em or not, so you're empowered to take action and make positive decisions on how to succeed in the Forex markets.
There's nothing magical about the Forex markets, because all markets are ultimately driven by human psychology - fear and greed - and supply and demand. Sure, every market has its own peculiarities, but if you understand how the basic drivers of human emotions work, you can potentially succeed big in Forex market, because the market controls 95% of live trader's emotions. Some traders think it's a "get rich quick" trading the popular Forex markets.
There are many advantages of Forex trading over other types of financial instrument trading like bonds, stocks, commodities etc. But it does not mean that there are no risks involved in the Forex trading. Of course there are risks associated with Forex trading. Therefore, someone needs to understand all the terms related to Foreign Exchange carefully. There are many online sources as well as offline sources that provide hints on trading of Forex. These hints are basically the SECRETS.
As I said above, the foreign exchange trading is considered as one of the most profitable and attractive opportunities for investment as any person can easily do at home or office and from any part of the world. For succeeding the Forex trading, a person is not required to do any online promotion, marketing etc. The only requirement in the Forex trading is the account that a person is required to open with reliable and registered brokers, a computer system and fast internet connection.
Now, you have to be careful when opening a Forex account with any broker because some could be SCAM. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in US has jurisdiction over all Futures and Forex activity. When trading in the foreign exchange markets, individuals should only trade with a CFTC registered entity that is also a member of the National Futures Association (NFA) and is regulated by the CFTC. For non-US broker/ bank entities, be sure that the broker or bank is registered with that country's appropriate regulatory bodies.
The Forex account could be opened with any amount between $300 (mini) and $2000 (standard). After opening the account, a person is required to learn how the Forex market works, demo trade and after a while go live trading. Moreover, there are some secrets that have to be followed.
A person can also apply all the secrets when demo trading and can see if the secrets really work. It could be said without any doubt that if someone can apply all the secrets in right way, he/she can easily gain good money by way of Forex trading.
All successful traders have Forex trading strategies that they follow to make profitable trades. These Forex trading strategies are generally based on a strategy that allows them to find good trades. And the strategy is based on some form of market analysis. Successful traders need some ways to interpret and even predict the movements of the market.
There are two basic approaches to analyzing the movements of the Forex market. These are Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis. However, technical analysis is much more likely to be used by traders. Still, it's good to have an understanding of both types of analysis, so that you can decide which type would work best for your Forex trading strategies.
There has been misconception about the Forex market because there are different types of traders and advert out there full of exaggerations that makes the business unreal to so many people and that is why I am here to show you the SECRETS in Forex Trading.
What is traded on the Forex market? The answer is money. Forex trading is where the currency of one nation is traded for that of another. Therefore, Forex trading is always traded in pairs and the most commonly traded currency pairs are traded against the US Dollar (USD). They are called 'the Majors'. The major currency pairs are the Euro Dollar (EUR/USD); the British Pound (GBP/USD); the Japanese Yen (USD/JPY); and the Swiss Franc (USD/CHF). The notable 'commodity' currency pairs that traded are the Canadian Dollar (USD/CAD) and the Australian Dollar AUD/USD. Because there is no central exchange for the Forex market, these pairs and their crosses are traded over the telephone and online through a global network of banks, multinational corporations, importers and exporters, brokers and currency traders. But if you really want to make it big in the Forex market, I will strongly advise that as a "beginner" in the business. Kindly get acquainted with one or two major currency pairs. Study them very well and make sure you understand their volatility period.
And to further simplify Forex trading, you could easily limit your trading to the two most liquid and widely traded pairs, the EUR/USD and the GBP/USD. This really starts to reduce demands on your time for trading activities without giving up good profit potential.
Traditionally, currency trading has been a 'professionals only' market available exclusively to banks and large institutions, however, because of the invention of the new E-economy, online Forex trading firms are now able to offer trading accounts to 'retail' traders like you and I. Now almost anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can trade currencies just like the world's largest banks do.
Do you want to know how to trade the forex market without losing a dime?Then go over to [http://quickforexpips.blogspot.com] you will get free tons of information there.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tunde_James_Akinlabi

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1492602

Simple Tips For A Natural Home Hair Spa

It is every woman's dream (and many men's, too), to have rich, healthy, luxurious locks. Television advertisements and unrealistic models turn this dream into a craze, and more money is spent experimenting with chemicals than you could imagine!
Having lovely hair depends on more than the mere use of chemicals and creams that claim to turn you overnight into a modern 'Rapunzel'. What really is needed, is to take good care of your hair and treat it well for it to look good. A home hair spa doesn't burn a hole in your pocket and is a great way to ensure that your hair looks its best, naturally. Are you ready to get started? Follow the three steps elaborated below, once a week, and you will be amazed at the results.
Massage Your Hair With Oil
The best oils that work for a home hair spa are almond oil, olive oil or coconut oil. Soak a few henna leaves and fenugreek seeds in the oil of your choice, overnight. Dip a cotton ball into the oil the next morning and gently apply it to your entire scalp. Once this is done, massage your scalp with your fingertips for five minutes.
Shampoo Your Hair
One of the biggest mistakes many women make is that they don't really shampoo their hair right. While some don't wet their hair enough before shampooing, others fail to understand the benefits of really getting the best out of their shampoo.
Choose a mild shampoo, preferably free of chemicals. Wet your hair thoroughly, lather your shampoo on your hands and then gently massage it directly into your scalp. Use lukewarm water to wash your hair and repeat the process if you feel your hair is still greasy.
Condition Your Hair
A conditioner, to your hair, is as important as a moisturizer is, to your skin. Always condition your hair after you shampoo it. You have much choice ahead of you, with the market catering to different hair types and conditioners claiming to do everything possible (or even impossible). Always opt for conditioners that are rich in proteins. While your hair is slightly damp, spread the conditioner out evenly, avoiding your scalp. Wrap a dry towel around your head and wash it off after an hour if you want to go in for deep conditioning. If you just want to give your hair some basic conditioning, leave the conditioner on for five minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water.
Always towel-dry your hair and avoid being rough with your hair. Never comb your hair while it is still wet as your hair is extremely delicate and prone to breakage when wet. Use your fingers to remove tangles and air dry your hair. If you absolutely have to use a hair drier, limit how frequently you use it, and always ensure that your hair is towel-dried before using a hair drier.
As always, too much of a good thing can have negative results. While a home hair spa does wonders, resist the temptation to overdo it. Pampering your hair once a week (or twice a month if time is a constraint) will bring out the best in your tresses without damaging them.
Looking for more beauty tips? Check out http://www.thereadwrite.com/ and turn into a natural diva!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joy_N

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8976497

The Best Way To Gain Control Over Your Money

Do you remember when you were a child how you'd preciously hold every little penny you were given and safely keep somewhere in your room? You would treat it as though it was your "precious"! You would collect and save it for something you loved very much (ice-cream when the ice-cream truck passed by your neighbourhood, your favorite candy, etc.). Back then, you were in touch with your money, you knew how to handle it, how to count it, you knew exactly how much was being spent and on what it was spent on, you knew how to take care of it, you were in charge of what was yours.
Today, everything in the current system is made to keep us far from our money. Our work pay is directed deposited in our bank accounts or we are handed pieces of paper called cheque, we have banks which take care of our money for us (these aren't necessarily a bad commodity), we have debit/credit cards. We don't have control over our money, really, since most of us don't even know where our money is going. We know that it's coming in, we know that our money goes out, but the big problem here is understanding where it goes, on what it is spent.
Financial freedom means understanding not just what comes in, but also what goes out; more importantly where the money goes. The third step to financial freedom according to Suze Orman is to take back charge of your money, to get back in touch with your money, just the way you did when you were a kid. It is time for you to face the truth honestly and know exactly where you stand today.
What you need to do ASAP:
  • Grab a piece of paper or a notepad
  • Assemble all documentation showing all your expenses from 2 years ago. Yes this might take a while, but it's worth it since it will be saving you so much more time and money in the future (for example for me, my bank sends me each month a computerized statement showing all my spendings and earnings/income. I am able to see where the money went, what I spent it on... almost like an x-ray!). These documents could include ATM statements, credit card bills, cancelled cheques, etc.
  • Examine each dollar spent and divide the spendings into sections or categories (food, rent, utilities, gas, phone, cable, etc.)
  • For each category, calculate the sum of how much, in the past two years, you have spent (the total of each area)
  • Divide each category total by 24 (2 years). This will give you how much you spend on average per month.

  • Now add up all the averages of each category together. This will tell you what costs you to live each month. Please keep in mind that these are averages. If your average total is $2,000, this means most months you'll spend less (maybe $800 or $1,200), but it also means that in some months you'll spend $4,000 or even $5,000. To get the more accurate average or to meet your monthly expenses, you need to calculate the average of each category each month.
P.S. I suggest you add at least 15% more to your total monthly expenses average, as there are always other unplanned for expenses (miscellaneous) or hidden payments we don't seem to take into account simply because they occur twice or thrice a year. E.g if your total came up to $10,000, the actual figure would be closer to $11,500.
  • When you're done, calculate the total of the amount you have coming in (monthly paychecks after taxes, rental income if you own any real estate, pension income, social security income,etc.). Only calculate the amount of which you are sure will keep coming in. If you have loaned money to a friend and they haven't paid you back, do not count this. Write it all down. This is almost like the Robert Kiyosaki's CashFlow board game (understanding liabilities and assets). If you're familiar with it, you'll understand.

  • Now it's time to match and compare your outgoing to your incoming cash. Now you know where you stand.
Do this and you will feel much better for knowing the truth. You will begin to gain power over the money that has controlled your life for so long.
For more or similar personal finance & financial freedom tips, visit and subscribe to http://www.topfinancialfreedom.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ariane_TL

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8971208

Health Benefits of Apple's New Watch

Apple's Wearable Fitness Technology
Online retail sites and in-store shelves are packed with a steady stream of fitness accessories. It's usually the same type of thing over and over again with a different brand name. Workout DVDs that promote the "best" workout routines for men and women, workout equipment that is probably overpriced, and sites that offer online personal trainers (a service I'll never buy into).
Every once in a while, something comes along and blows me away. It could be a service, a product, or the integration of a new idea into something old. Large companies are constantly brainstorming to uncover the secret combination of marketing and common sense that will give them access to the inner workings of the average buyer's brain and wallet.
Brave New World: Wearable Fitness Technology
News, blogs, and social networking sites are all raving over the upcoming release of the new Apple Watch. The new Apple Watch will allow users to access much more than just time keeping (an area that they've somehow revolutionized as well).
What's more personal than your health? Apple thinks that health is about as personal as it gets. The new Apple watch, with all of its wonders, includes an extensive Health and Fitness setting. While this addition may spell doom for many fitness centers, it's a giant leap in the realm of fitness technologies.
The Three Rings of Apple
The graphic that comes up on the face of the watch includes three rings. These three rings display an overview of the day's activities.
The display is easy to access and provides information regarding:
• Movement
• Exercise, and
• Standing time.
Recent studies have shown that users respond well to simplicity. Apple has taken advantage of these findings. As we'll discover, these three simple rings will cover a wide range of activities!
The Movement Ring
The move ring begins empty. When you first buy the watch and begin tinkering with the settings, you'll set up a personal Move goal for the week. The Apple watch will assist you in creating attainable goals for each day of the coming week. The move ring will fill up and close once you've completed your Move goal of the day. More on goals shortly.
The Exercise Ring
While the new Apple watch includes a "dedicated workout" mode which allows users to set up a personalized workout for the day or the week, the Exercise ring works in any mode. Anytime you begin movement that is on the level of a brisk walk or higher, the Exercise ring begins recording the movement. The universal recommendation is at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. For this reason, the Apple watch's Exercise ring will fill up and close out for the day once you've reached 30 minutes of exercise.
The Stand Ring
The Stand ring allows the Apple watch to credit you when you've stood or walked around. If you sit on your rump for close to an hour, the new Apple watch will alert you and insist that you stand up and walk around. As long as you stand up for 1 minute an hour for 12 hours, the Stand ring will fill up and close, crediting you for the day.
Personalized Goals
The Apple watch will record your activity over time and will personalize itself to accommodate your level of exercise and activity. You can personalize goals for the week, and each day the Apple watch will assist and encourage you to meet the day's goal. It keeps track of your progress and credits you throughout the week for participation. Apple has essentially created a personal trainer for your wrist.
Extra Accessories
• The Accelerometer:
o The new Apple watch includes an accelerometer that measures body movements and steps throughout the day. The accelerometer allows the watch to differentiate a walk from a jog or run. With this information, the watch give you an accurate reading on the number of calories you've burned throughout the day.
• The Heart Rate Sensor:
o The heart rate sensor allows the Apple watch to monitor your heart rate when you're working out. Whenever you're not working out, the watch utilizes the accelerometer, GPS, and Wi-Fi from your phone to determine your movements.
• GPS and Wi-Fi:
o With the use of Wi-Fi from your smart phone, and GPS from satellites high above the earth, the Apple watch delivers a level or accuracy that is second to none. This watch will revolutionize your life. It doesn't matter if you're walking to the mail box, or jogging down the street, the Apple watch will give you encouraging feedback and monitor your physical improvements.
Work Out Mode
The Apple watch's workout mode will provide encouragement and accurate monitoring before, during, and after each day's workout. The watch:
• Suggests goals and monitors user set goals throughout the day and week
• Gives accurate and helpful Progress Updates throughout the workout, and
• Provides a complete workout summary upon the conclusion of your exercise.
The Apple watch stands to provide motivation and assist wearers worldwide in getting into shape. Many of our jobs mandate that we sit or stand in the same spot for hours on end each day, week after week and month after month. Apple is providing us with a helpful wrist buddy to keep us moving all day long.
I contribute to a healthy living magazine online called Modern Health Tech. I recommend taking a look, with articles covering topics from diabetes medications to the best teeth whiteners.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Russell_Allen

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8942936

Nine Tips for Successful Recovery From an Addiction

Anybody who is recovering from an addiction or looking for assistance in doing so for the first time must understand that addiction is a medical condition, not a lack of self-discipline or an absence of an ability to just say no. Addiction cannot be fully cured; however, it can easily be managed. Getting assistance from an expert that considers addiction as a medical condition is the first step to an effective recovery. By following the suggestions of knowledgeable addiction professionals that have access to the most recent advances in treatment and medication, one can have a good chance of making a full recovery. With that in mind, here are ten tips to successful recovery from an addiction:
1. Make your recovery a top priority
Keep yourself at top priority and stay in touch with specialists who understand you and can offer you with extensive treatment choices and sound guidance throughout the recovery process.
2. Take it one day at a time
Recovery is a procedure not an end point. Learn ways to make the best use of this time and overcome any negative thoughts that come to mind during the course of the treatment.
3. Interact
Addiction can be highly separating so talk to your friends and household about your difficulties. They will be there when you need them and will certainly help you stay determined and focused.
4. Modify your environment
For the best possible recovery, replace your bad habits with new and healthy ones. Find out cultural events and activities in your location that can promote change in your mindset and keep you engaged. If you have friends that might threaten your addiction treatment, it is time to explore the possibility of having a new circle of friends.
5. Venture out and workout
Spending 30-60 minutes strolling or at the health club for just a couple of days a week can do wonders for you. The workout will not just improve your physical strength, but it will also make you mentally stronger.
6. Improve your diet
In addition to doing the workout, consuming the right kind of food is another essential component to an effective recovery. Whether you get help or do it by yourself, improvement in diet will make you much healthier both psychologically and physically.
7. Sign up with a support system
Whether you sign up with a church based group or any other social support network, they can offer remarkable value and wisdom to help you in your recovery efforts.
8. Do a little community service
Working for a cause you think is important will do wonders for your self-worth. Contributing some of your time for others will offer you with a sense of achievement and pride.
9. Never ever quit
Whatever you do, no matter the difficulties or challenges you deal with, do not quit or succumb to the illness. Count on your family, good friends and support mechanisms you have available to you to keep battling the temptations and the challenging days.
Relapse is quite common amongst addicts who go through the treatment, and a superficial analysis might make it appear as if rehabilitation does not work really well. However, the truth is that effective addiction treatment often takes quite a bit of time. If you have the patience to stick to your aftercare program and return to the treatment more than once, you surely have a good chance of overcoming the addiction you have acquired.
If you're looking for addiction recovery help in Hong Kong, visit a drug rehab in Hong Kong.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeff_Molenda

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Signs of a Quality Insurance Company

The insurance company you choose to protect you from loss in the event of an accident or situation needs to be a trustworthy one. Know what to look for as you analyze and examine different companies and policies to ensure that you choose the right coverage.
Positive Ratings
Rely on the assessments of the rating companies, whose purpose is to analyze the quality and financial wellbeing of insurance companies. Check the rating of any insurance company you are considering. As you check ratings, compare them to learn which business has the highest rating. Higher ratings have a direct correlation with the solidity of the business and the services provided. Higher ratings also indicate entities with more solid financial standings for paying out claims.
Business Longevity
Examine the length of time a business has been operating to get an indication of the quality and reliability of its services. A newly formed entity may not be able to offer customers the same reliability and performance as businesses that have been around for many years. A recent purchase and transfer between insurers could indicate that the new owner is undertaking positive growth.
Customer Service
The services provided to customers by an insurance company will be an important indicator of quality. Optimally, customers should be able to reach representatives in a variety of ways, such as by phone, online chat, and email. The response times to customer queries should be relatively short to ensure that all questions and concerns receive a speedy resolution. Customers should also be able to reach a representative around the clock and on weekends and holidays for emergencies.
Coverage Policies
The policies provided should meet your needs, with cost effective premiums, affordable deductibles, and terms that meet your coverage needs. Compare policy terms between different corporations to ensure that you choose the policy that fits your budget and needs. Explore the claim-paying process to find out how the business investigates claims and the typical time period for payment on a claim. Find out the rate of claim refusal, also, so you know the average pay out statistics for the insurance company.
Reviews and Complaints
Learn about reviews and complaints recorded by other customers to find out potentially positive and negative information about the insurer. Find positive and negative reviews on websites that allow consumers to record their experiences for other consumers to read. These reviews may provide surprising information about an entity that could lead you to decide not to choose them as your insurer. You might also learn positive information about the way a business takes care of its customers. Optimally, the corporation you choose should have very few or even no complaints lodged against it from other customers.
Once you gather extensive information about a company, you will have the data you need to choose a quality business for your coverage needs. This will enable you to put your trust and confidence in this corporation, knowing that it will assist you financially if you need it.
When looking for a well-respected insurance company, PA residents visit The Nice Agency. Learn more about our services at http://niceinsuranceagency.com/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Stratton

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8926859

How to Find a Great Nursing Home for Your Elderly Family Members

The decision to place a loved one in a nursing home can be very difficult to make. In many cases, it truly is the best situation. Although the initial adjustment can be very difficult for the resident, in the end nursing homes can often provide more consistent and wholesome care for elderly adults. Many people have heard horror stories about nursing homes where the elderly are abused and neglected. These stories may make people worry about their loved one's wellbeing. While there are substandard facilities, there are many that are truly dedicated to providing quality care. Individuals that are wondering how to find a nursing home for their loved one should take a few things into consideration.
Policies of the Facility
One of the first things to look out for when choosing a nursing home is their policies when it comes to visitation. If it seems like the staff members are trying to diminish the amount of time that family members are allowed to see residents, it could be because they have something to hide. Before admitting a loved one, it might be a good idea to take a tour of the facility. Clutter in the hallways is a bad sign. This clutter could cause a resident to fall and receive a serious injury. Notice if the resident's rooms are clean, and if the residents look well cared for. If one is wondering how to find a nursing home, they should be paying attention to these types of details.
Conduct of the Nurses
Loved ones that are worried about how to find a nursing home for family member should also look at how the staff members interact with the residents. Does the staff demean the residents, and treat them like children that need to be controlled? Or do they approach the residents with empathy and compassion? Are they willing to listen to the resident's concerns and try to resolve them? It is important to acknowledge the elderly are adults. Even if they may demonstrate odd or childlike behaviors, it does not mean that they can't tell if someone is talking down to them. Elderly adults need to participate in activities that will help them to maintain their current level of functioning, and develop meaningful relationships. They need love and support.
Research the Facility
You may also turn to the internet and conduct some research on a particular nursing facility. Check to see if there are any articles or reviews on the facility, whether positive or negative. Just because a patient had a negative experience does not automatically mean that the care facility is engaging in illegal conduct, but it is a warning sign that should be investigated further. On the flip side, nursing homes that seem to be well regarded by prior residents or their family members, and have received many positive remarks or reviews, might be a good place to look into further.
You may also check public lawsuit records to see whether the facility has been sued by residents before, and if so how often, and for what purposes. Many businesses are faced with lawsuits on a continuous basis, which can be brought for any number of reasons. However, a facility with a history of elder abuse lawsuits is probably a place that you should avoid.
Anyone that wants to know how to find a nursing home should do their research to ensure that their loved one will be well taken care of. Good nursing homes make sure their residents are given nutritious food, bathed regularly, and treated with dignity and respect. Unfortunately there are care facilities that do not live up to these standards, and there will be cases of elderly abuse in these settings. If someone is worried that a specific nursing home is engaging in abusive conduct, they should report the abuse immediately, and contact a
nursing home abuse attorney to ensure that the resident is being well taken care of.
Holm Law Group is a San Diego based civil litigation law firm, dedicated to providing outstanding and personalized representation for our clients. Our team of personal injury and elder abuse lawyers help vindicate the rights of those who have suffered from elder abuse or neglect, wrongful death, medical malpractice, and various other types of serious injury. If you or a loved one has been injured, or if you have questions about your case, please contact us today for a free consultation at (858) 707-5858.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=J._Farrell

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8958494

Different Types of Brain Tumors

Recent studies by the American Cancer Society shows that the death rates from cancer have lowered significantly in recent years. It is now 20% lower than its peak in 1991. While scientists still have a long way to go, there has been a lot of advances in technology.
One of the surgical advances that has helped to treat brain cancer is deep brain stimulation (DBS). Recent ClearPoint technology has made DBS much more available to a wider range of patients. This type of neurosurgery is performed with lasers and proves to be much quicker and much less painful than traditional surgery.
There are many types of brain tumors that you can get. Here is a brief description of the different types of tumors and their symptoms:
  • Acoustic Neuromas. It's official name is vestibular schwannoma. This tumor grows in Schwann cells and is most common in middle age. Their primary symptom is loss of hearing, but the larger ones will also cause headaches, vomiting, and altered consciousness. Another symptom of acoustic neuromas is neck pain. It can be treated by surgery and radiation therapy.
  • Astrocytomas. These originate in glial cells in the cerebellum. They rarely leave the brain, but will sometimes spread to the spinal cord. There are several different types and grades of astrocytomas that can form. They can form at any age, although the more severe cases are generally found in adults. One can function perfectly for years with astrocytomas. They can be treated either through surgery or therapy.
  • Glioblastoma multiforme. These are the most common types of brain tumors found in humans. They are the highest grade of astrocytoma and are very dangerous since they spread quickly. It can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including seizures, vomiting, headaches, and hemiparesis (weakness on one side of the body). They are extremely difficult to treat and different cases require different treatments. Some of the more common types of treatments include surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy.
  • Meningioma. This is an array of tumors that develops from the meninges in the central nervous system. In most cases, they are benign. Symptoms that occur include weakness, focal seizures, and intracranial pressure. It is commonly observed, but in cases of malignancy, surgery or radiation may be performed.
  • Pituitary tumors. Pituitary adenomas are tumors that are located in the pituitary gland. This results in hyperpituitarism which means that prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormones, and growth hormones are over secreted. This will also cause headaches and also manifest in depression, anxiety, apathy, and emotional instability.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_J_Delgle

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8239670

Change Your Mindset to Change Your Life

Bill Gates said that "If you are born poor, it is not your mistake. But if you die poor, it is your mistake." I fully agree with this statement.
A lot of people get lucky to achieve early success and happiness when they are young. However, there are some people who cannot get a comfortable and perfect life until the end of life although they have worked hard to make money. The poor always think that human destiny is predetermined by the Creator and begin complaining about their poverty more frequently. However, the above negative attitude is the explanation for incompetence, disorientation, lack of confidence or limitation of thinking and perception. Your life is entirely created by yourself.
When referring to the phrases "the rich", "the successful people" or "the successful businessmen", most of you will think of the famous names such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, Jack Ma, or Larry Page and so on. In my opinion, the concept of "the successful people" is really simple. That you are successful does not mean you own a bank account with thousands of dollars. Also, it does not mean that you must be the owner of a large enterprise with hundreds or thousands of employees. Simply, you are successful when you find your own development path to maximize your capacity and talent.
As a high school student, I used to think that my future would be better only by studying at university. If I failed the entrance examination to university, my future would be certainly closed. And unfortunately, I did not pass the entrance exam to university. I was so sad, sullen and depressed that I did not go out for a long time.
One day, a friend invited me to work as a collaborator selling balloons in the street. At first, I thought that this job was ridiculous, but I still decided to go with my friend to relieve stress. And then, I had a great passion for balloon art when I saw the balloon artists creating a lot of awesome shapes only by using balloons. They were extremely innovative and highly creative. The next day I decided to attend classes of balloon art. I joined online forum to discuss and learn experience from other balloon artists and improved my soft skills in communication and marketing. After 3 years, I established a vocational training center on balloon art. I was successful although you did not study at any university.
That was my story. How about you? I think that it's time for you to change your thoughts to climb the ladder of success.
Experiencing a treasure of good books on success "Act like a success", or you can see my blog Life lesson from the bamboo
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Le_Thuy

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How Do I Establish Credit?

How do I best position or establish myself to be able to obtain financing? Whether it is for a car or a home, the beginning is the same. It has been my experience that most car financing companies are looking for a minimum of credit that has already been established and proven for a minimum amount of time. What do I mean by this? As a Business Manager at car dealerships for over 10 years I have found these companies are looking for at least 3 trade lines (3 types of credit) usually credit card, installment loan, and perhaps a line of credit with at least one of them being for a minimum amount of $2500 dollars. This is how I recommend you start to establish credit. Once you do this you are well on your way to a 700 plus credit score.
This is only one way to accomplish this. Take $2,500 from savings and open a secured line of credit. For those who do not have $2,500 start with $500 and follow the same steps. I am available to help anyone with an individual plan. Now, this can be done usually at a local credit union as they have different rules then your traditional banking institutions. For those who are not familiar with the secured concept you will deposit the money in the bank and agree to leave it there while the bank opens an account in the amount you deposited. Make your first transaction in your line of credit a deposit of $1,000 dollars and open a secured installment loan. This can actually be done at the same institution on the same day and then take the check they give you and deposit that check into an account to open a secured credit card. This will give you 3 different type of credit accounts with one of them being at least $2,500!
Having made these transactions you will have a total of $4,500 dollars in credit extended to you. Now all you need to do is make your payments on time for the next 6 to 9 months and you will have created a very good credit score with all the qualifiers the financing companies are looking for. This is not always as easily done as said. There are other considerations you want to keep in mind. You will need to utilize these accounts and keep track of what you spend in these accounts. To achieve the best credit score I suggest you keep your charges at no more than 40% of the accounts available credit and keep your monthly balance at or below 30% of your credit limit. This will show the credit companies that you use the credit responsibly and give you the best scores you can achieve with the credit scoring models. This has been my experience over the course of my financing career. While I don't claim to know the actual formula this is what has produced the best scores with my clients in the past.
By the time you have done this and made these payments on time you will have the credit necessary to purchase your first financed car. Now you will need to have the financial means (income) for most folks that is a job but the type of income is of less importance then the amount of income as these companies use a table of ratios to qualify you. Provided you meet their criteria you will get a car loan approved in your name.
Let us assume that you have qualified for a car loan. We have no reason to think you have not given up on the plan and have gone ahead and made your car payments for the following year. You will have made all your payments on time for over 2 years. On over 4 different types of credit now you should be able to qualify or least be credit worthy of qualifying and applying for a mortgage. You will have made all your payments for 2 years straight and established yourself as a good credit risk. You have raised the levels of your credit to a point well above the $4500 level when you bought your car. Now you need only have the income and savings qualifiers to get approved for a home loan. When you apply to buy a home you will be subject to qualifying based on a table of ratios; bills to income, payment to income both before and after the house payment is taken into consideration. By following the rules and steps laid out in this article you should be credit worthy to buy a home that is within your means. You will have established your credit and achieved a good credit score.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8918393

Keep Your Home Secured All the Time With a Burglar Alarm System

We are all aware how perilous are the burglars and robbers, not only to our property but also to our lives. To hear about the news of such crime has a lot of effects for us to live with a quality life. For sure, the weightiest feeling that one could worry over is the safety of his loved ones. Thus, in order to ease the stress, having a burglar alarm system is beneficial to keep a home secured all the time, whenever the occupants are away.

Burglar Alarms

Also referred to as 'Intrusion Detection', the burglar alarm system alerts the property owners whenever it detects a presence of an intruder within the area. Therefore, the true peace of mind actually does not come from the tool's loud noise if intrusion takes place, but the awareness of it as automated detection. Property owners feel secured even in their absence at home, knowing someone is guarding over their assets.

When you purchase a burglar alarm system, your area will be monitored 24/7. Despite any time and day, the monitoring service is there to take care everything as far as home security is concern. Your home will be restricted to those who you merely allow to enter including your invited guests.

Installation Process

For basic system, a little skill is required for a homeowner to install the device on their own; however, for a highly structured system, this calls for a professional skill. Specialized installation is more sought-after even by people who know how to assemble the alarm by themselves, as it ensures most advantageous results. Ask whether your company sends a technician out or not to inspect your home's condition to see if it can be easily break into. This assessment will give you an idea about which areas are most at risk that require careful attention.

Monitoring Service

This advice is very important for homeowners to keep in mind before they purchase a product:

Even the well-designed security system device is not totally reliable, and police departments won't respond to an alarmed property, if the company's monitoring service is not doing their job carefully 24/7. As a result, ensure that your product's company is steadfast enough to offer professional service.

A burglar alarm device is actually crucial in terms to security purpose that shouldn't be underestimated. Many homeowners today who have the system have gained peace of mind for their property and to those who are left at home when they're out.

Protect your home today. Burglar or intrusion detection system can be a wise choice for your property. For more information, you may visit here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alma_May_Bacarrisas

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8959748

How to Save Money - 6 Things You Can Do Right Now

Have you watched the news lately? Seems like there are more and more issues with the national economy, mortgage crunch and large business and their businesses crashing around them. I hazard to say that the only one you can rely on financially now and in the future is you. If you are living paycheck to paycheck like the rest of us, then you should, no, you must buckle down now so you have something put away for retirement. Small changes to daily living can have a huge impact over the years to come.
1. Food shopping
This can lead to huge savings. Whenever you go to the grocery store, there are ways you can save money.
  • Check your paper for coupons and use them religiously
  • Plan out your trip and your grocery list before you leave home
  • Items you use regularly are usually cheaper in bulk or larger quantity
  • choose generic products instead of brand name
  • Check expiration dates on perishables when you are at the grocery store
When you get home with your groceries and put them away, make sure to keep the bags, paper or plastic. Plastic bags are great to line waste baskets with and paper bags come in handy for shipping things and craft project. You are making use of a free product and just saved a bunch of money.
2. Your debt and bills
The shorter the time you have credit card debt, the more you are saving in the long run. You may not be able to pay them all completely off, but the more you are able to pay, the less interest you are going to have to face. And if you are late on any bill you will also get stung with late fees. Some people find it beneficial to bank online and have recurring payments withdrawn from their accounts - you never have to worry about being late because you forgot. However, with recurring payments you need to be very aware of your account status so that funds are always available as banks like to hit you with fees for insufficient funds.
3. Entertainment
Instead of going out to a movie, consider going to your local movie store and renting. When you add up all the costs of the movie theatre it is astounding! The movie ticket, the popcorn and candy, the drink. Bring home a movie, pop your own popcorn and get your own drinks will save you a lot of money over time. If you really want that time out for a movie theatre, try to go to the earlier shows as they are usually cheaper. You might also consider your local library, they can books, music, even movies to rent - and they are free!
It might be your regular routine to hit the fast food place down the street from work everyday. Try replacing a few of those trips a week with a brown bag lunch. You definitely save on the food costs and you save the gas needed to drive to the fast food restaurant. You know you hate those lines in the drive through - find a place around work where you can relax and enjoy your bag lunch.
Going out for entertainment doesn't always mean you have cost. Recreational areas offer hiking or biking trails at no cost and provides an outlet for a regular exercise regime. After all, with all the money you are saving, you want to be healthy enough to enjoy it down the road!
4. Alternatives to Full Price
Many times you can find products for less with a little researching. One huge market that offers massive savings is eBay. Thousands of people are selling everyday products that you can get for cheaper than what you might pay retail. Not only can you buy items on eBay, you can also easily set up an account and sell your own items to make money. Purchasing online can save you on pretty much anything. The competition is great and you can choose the web store that will give you the best deal, and might even mean reduced or not cost shipping.
You can also get great deals from the classifieds ads section of the paper. Find out where the garage sales are in your area on the weekends and get incredible bargains on things you are looking for.
5. Gifting
When you are thinking about what to get that special person, a great alternative to a mall purchase is to make something for them. Everyone has talent in one area or another, and even if you have to purchase the supplies to make something, you still will save money. Usually you have left over supplies that can be used for another gift down the road. Handmade gifts are much more personal and let the receiver know they came from the heart.
6. Saving Around The Home
There are many ways to save money around the home. Get the whole family on board and save.
  • Turn off unnecessary lights
  • Lower your thermostat a few degrees
  • Use low energy light bulbs
  • turn off your computer when not in use
  • Hang clothes to dry instead of using the dryer
  • Purchase energy efficient appliances
  • Ensure that all windows and doors have good seals to avoid heat loss
Many companies today are focused on energy efficiency are have their products readily available. Make sure your family is all aware of how to save money around the house, so that everyone participates. A good incentive is to let them know that the additional savings from participating can add up and lead to special purchases and trips.
You have to put in an effort to save money, but in doing so, you will being to see the fruits of your labors. Be conscious of what you can do in your life to save money, and stick with them. You will not see huge savings overnight, but over time, the savings will be substantial.
Starting now is the only way to save money. The longer you wait is that much less you could have already saved. Do you want more ways to save money? Visit my blog, http://how-save-money-now.blogspot.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Leonard_Houde

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1547806

Causes of Brain Cancer

Abnormal growth of the cells in the brain is termed as brain tumor. This type of tumor may begin in the brain itself or arise as an offshoot from other types of cancers. Primary tumor or cancer that originates in the brain is of many types such as meningioma, acoustic neuroma, pineoblastoma, ependymoma and oligodendroglioma. The name of the cancer is derived from the type of cell that the cancer originates from. Brain cancer is almost always lethal and could lead to a suite of other health problems. Due to its highly intricate nature, brain cancer study is going on at a very slow pace.
The top 3 causes of brain cancer are:
DNA Mutation
Cancer occurs when the cell loses its ability to die. In plain speaking, the cells become immortal. And they start multiplying quickly and proliferate at great speeds. It is believed that this change occurs in the cell due to a mutation (change) in the DNA structure of the cell. The abnormal cells have no place to move and start lumping in the location, creating bumps or tumors that we see. Soon, these cells start infecting other cells and make them cancerous.
Age and Gender
Though people of all ages have the risk of getting brain cancer, the rate of occurrence becomes higher with increasing age. Statistics has shown that men are more prone to this brain disease than women. Females, on the other hand, have more non-cancerous type of tumors.
Genetic conditions also have a major role in causing cancer. Children of cancer patients are more prone to this disease.
Medical Conditions
It has been found that those suffering from medical conditions such as Neurofibromatosis, Turcot syndrome, Gorlin syndrome, Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, AIDS and Li-Fraumeni syndrome are more prone to cancer.
Miscellaneous Causes
The harmful UV rays have been found to be one of the major causes of skin cancer. Whether these rays damage the cells of the brain is yet to be studied. Smoking, alcohol, hair dye and other chemicals are believed to be carcinogens (cancer-causing agents). Recently there are a lot of studies about how use of mobile phones could be linked to brain cancer. Some research studies also link brain cancer to living in proximity to areas that have high power lines. It is believed that children who are exposed to radiotherapy for other treatments could have a higher risk of brain cancer.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8514545

The Advantage of Independent Life Insurance Brokers

Independent life insurance brokers provide an extremely valuable service to both families and business owners across this province. When it comes to purchasing life and health insurance, consumers have many options.
If you are like most people, price is the single determining factor when purchasing your life insurance program. But should that really be the sole determining factor to protect your income and your family's welfare? Being aware of the different rates offered in the market is important yes. Also having a clear understanding of the underwriting requirements, future options, claim history and credibility of the insurance company you select are important considerations when purchasing your life insurance program. An independent life insurance broker that you trust can be very helpful in this process.
The main difference between an independent broker and a captive representative is the independent works for the client and not the carrier. Independent brokers sole purpose is to find the best insurance for you, where as many other agents have to sell insurance products mandated from their head office.
Although a captive representative and an independent broker share the common goal of providing you with income protection in the form of life insurance, only a licensed independent life insurance broker can provide you with a variety of choices from many different providers. Because independent brokers do not have an exclusive relationship with any one insurance company, they are able to offer you a wide range of products from multiple sources.
At the end of the day independent brokers work for you, the client, instead of a company representative that will provide you with limited options and a biased opinion. Knowing the different options, prices and insurers in the market place will help you make the informed decision for the coverage that works best for your situation. An independent broker can provide you with a survey of the entire Canadian life insurance market. The survey will provide you with the rate each company offers for the amount of coverage and plan design that works best for you. Different insurance companies have different options and underwriting requirements, so it is essential you are aware of the details behind the scene.
Independent life insurance brokers are able to guide you through the complicated task with acquiring the proper amount of insurance. with many options available to us, we are able to take on even the most challenging accounts that the direct writers would not even look at.
Please visit my company website or feel free to contact me directly with any questions or additional information you may require.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jamie_Deba

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